2021 art progress highlights

I think 2021 saw an improvement in my art. I’ve explored new mediums and revisited mediums I haven’t worked with in a while. Here, I thought I would highlight a few of my favorite and significant works just to keep some sort of record of it. 

Gouache and YouTube videos:

In January, I started a YouTube channel to post process videos for my gouache paintings. At that time, gouache was a relatively new medium for me but I am quite familiar with painting as I have done it many times before with different kinds of paints. I was intrigued by gouache because of how it uses water like watercolor but can be opaque and ‘reactivated’. However, the more I worked with gouache, the more I missed working with oil paint.

HHere are a few of my favorite gouache videos on my YouTube channel:

One of my favorite gouache paintings because of the composition, the way the water was painted, and depiction of space and depth
My best edited video so far where I introduced a new overhead angle and tried slowing down the speed a little in certain parts of the painting process, and cut out unnecessary parts for a better flow
Digital art:

Personally, a part of me still prefers making traditional art because of the feeling of working with paper and a variety of materials. However, this year, I started working more on a digital platform because I simply felt that digital artworks were a lot more convenient to share online. With a more refined digital art technique, it could save a lot of time and even produce effects that traditional art can’t. An advantage of the digital platform would be its variety of features, but because of that, I haven’t got the chance to fully explore the extent of its potential. I use Procreate for all digital art.

3D object drawing for illustration class
Traditional illustrations:

Traditional mediums remain a personal favorite of mine for making art. The following are works that I’ve made in and outside of class,

Still life drawing

Medium: Graphite pencils on paper

Urban Sketch

Medium: ink drawing pens, calligraphy ink, watercolor on watercolor paper

Editorial Illustration

Medium: Graphite pencils, charcoal, ink drawing pens, gouache on watercolor paper

Based on Gluttony in Dante’s Inferno
Sketchbook drawings

These are random drawings I made on my sketchbook. Sometimes I make collages, other times it’s a whole dump of different materials.

Photoshop compositions

Lastly, these are a couple of compositions, following the theme of ‘homelessness’, I made with Photoshop from another class:

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