‘Artificial Intelligence in Spotify: Identifying limitations and drawing the line with AI’ video #ALM102DC

I have just completed and uploaded the final video of this unit about the limitations of Spotify’s algorithm, as embedded below: Video brief Digital media context Artificial Intelligence (AI), as used in Spotify’s recommendation system with emphasis on drawbacks Goal Highlight the existing user complaints and limitations related to Spotify’s algorithm Discuss potential concerns overContinue reading “‘Artificial Intelligence in Spotify: Identifying limitations and drawing the line with AI’ video #ALM102DC”

‘Artificial Intelligence in Spotify’ informational video #ALM102DC

My new video about Artificial Intelligence in Spotify is now uploaded on YouTube as the second assessment of this unit. Check out the video below: Video Brief Digital media context Artificial Intelligence (AI), specifically its implementation in Spotify’s music recommendation features. Goal Highlight the prominence of AI in the music streaming service Offer a perspectiveContinue reading “‘Artificial Intelligence in Spotify’ informational video #ALM102DC”

My self-introduction YouTube video #ALM102DC

I have just uploaded a self-introduction video on my YouTube channel as the first video project of this unit as embed below: With this video, I intended to leave a documentation of my 2021 self by reflecting on my current interests and state of mind. The content begins with introducing ‘creativity’ as the common traitContinue reading “My self-introduction YouTube video #ALM102DC”

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